Coordinate with people in your org remotely and in person by adding and viewing work plans. Add and update your own work plan in the new Teams calendar with details about your working hours and locations.

Set and adjust your recurring work plan

Whether you work across several locations or during flexible time windows, tailor your recurring work plan to reflect your typical weekly schedule.  

To set and adjust your recurring work plan in Teams: 

  1. Select Calendar  Teams Calendar tab icon in Teams.

  2. Select More options  Microsoft Teams more options icon > Calendar settings  Settings icon.Screenshot highlighting calendar settings in the Teams calendar.

  3. Select Work hours and location.

    • Select your weekly workdays and hours. Next to each workday, choose your work hours and location for that day from the dropdown menus.

    • Select Add work hours  Cross icon at top of the screen next to a workday to add another range of work hours for that day.

    • In Share your location > People in my organization, choose the work plan details you want to share from the dropdown menu.

  4. Select Save.

Update your work location for the day 

Decide to work from home or take a trip to the office at the last minute? Update your work location for the day to let others know.  

To change your work location for the day: 

  1. Select Calendar Teams Calendar tab icon in Teams.

  2. At the top of the current day, select your work location icon.

  3. Select your current location and choose where you’ll be working from the dropdown menu.  Screenshot showing work plan dropdown menu in the Teams calendar. Your work location for the day will update automatically.

View other people’s work plans 

See other people’s work plans to know when they’re in the office or working remotely.  

For a quick look, go to Calendar Teams Calendar tab icon in Teams and select a day’s location icon. You’ll be able to see yours and others’ work plans for that day. Select See more to open more details.

Screenshot highlighting "See more" when viewing work plans in the Teams calendar.

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