Add connectors between Visio shapes
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Visio makes it easy to connect shapes in your drawing.

You can use AutoConnect to connect shapes as you add them, and you can connect existing shapes by using the Connector tool. You can also change the shapes that appear in the mini toolbar and turn AutoConnect on or off.

Automatically connect a shape

Connect shapes already on the page

Connect to a shape on another page

Use themes to change connector appearance

Use alternative connector shapes

Change the shapes in the AutoConnect mini toolbar

Turn AutoConnect on or off

Automatically connect a shape

One way to connect shapes is to let Visio connect them automatically when you add shape to a page. This is especially convenient when you are creating a flowchart.

  1. Make sure that AutoConnect is active. On the View tab, in the Visual Aids group, verify that AutoConnect is selected.

  2. Drag a shape from the Shapes pane to the page.

  3. Hold the pointer over the shape until AutoConnect arrows appear around the shape.

    When AutoConnect is active, hover over a shape to display connection arrows.
  4. Hold the pointer over the arrow in the direction you want to add a shape.

    Hovering over an AutoConnect arrow displays a toolbar of shapes to add.

    A mini toolbar appears that contains the first four Quick Shapes that are currently in the Quick Shapes stencil. When you point at a shape on the toolbar, Visio displays a preview of that shape on the page.

  5. Click the shape you want to add.

  6. If you want to continue, point to an AutoConnect arrow on a newly added shape to add another shape that will also be automatically connected.

    Hovering over the newly added shape displays AutoConnect arrows for adding another shape.

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Connect shapes already on the page

Tip: The commands in the Tools group on the Home tab put Visio into a different state or mode, which admittedly can be confusing sometimes. Use the keyboard to conveniently switch between the Pointer Tool (press Ctrl+1) and Connector Button image (press Ctrl+3) tools. Whatever tool you are using, such as Text Block or Connection Point, press Esc several times to return to the Pointer Tool.

  1. On the Home tab, in the Tools group, click Connector Button image or press Ctrl+3.

  2. Click a shape and drag a connector to another shape.

  3. When you’re done, click Pointer Tool on the Home tab in the Tools group or press Ctrl+1.

The Connector tool connects to shapes with a point connection on each end.

Alternately, the Connect Shapes command can be added to your ribbon and used to connect multiple shapes in the order they were selected.

Tip: Useful commands that are not already visible in your ribbon can be added by clicking File > Options > Customize the Ribbon.

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Connect to a shape on another page

You can only use connectors between shapes on the same page. To connect to a shape on another page, use the Off-page Reference shape to create a hyperlink from one page to the next, or add a Hyperlink and Double-click action to any shape so it can navigate to a different page in the same document.

Use Off-page Reference

  1. Open the Basic Flowchart Shapes stencil, and then drag the Off-page reference shape on the current page.

    Off-page reference shape
  2. In the Off-page reference dialog box, select OK to add the shape to the current page and a newly-created page.

  3. On the new page, continue to create your diagram.

  4. To change the appearance of the Off-page reference shape, right-click the shape and then select Outgoing, Incoming, Circle, or Arrow.

To move between pages, double-click the Off-page reference shape on either page. For more information, see Off-Page Reference dialog box.

Use Hyperlink and Double-Click

  1. Right-click any shape or press CTRL+K, and then select Hyperlink.

  2. Click Browse next to the Sub-address field, and then click the drop-down list next to Page to select the page you want.

    Hyperlink dialog box

    Note: The name of a shape on the destination page can also be specified for a hyperlink. Click the Developer tab, and then select Shape Name Use the default name in the Name field, or edit it and then click OK.

  3. To set the double-click action for a shape, click the Developer tab, and then select Behavior.

  4. Click the Double-Click tab, select the Go to page option, and then click the drop-down list to select the page you want.

    Visio Double-Click action

    Note: Do this only after you have edited your page names because they do not get updated here automatically.

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Use themes to change connector appearance

While the default appearance of connectors may be simple lines, they may be designed to work with themes that adds embellishments, such as arrow heads. The built-in themes can be applied from the Themes gallery in the Design tab. To change an attributes of a connector, such as style, color, weight, etc., see Editing Connector Shapes.


  • To see more embellishments, click the Design tab. In the Variants group, click the drop-down arrow, and then select Connectors.

Use alternative connector shapes

Any connector shapes, such as those available on the More Shapes > Visio Extras > Connectors stencil can be used to connect shapes together rather than using the default Dynamic connector shape. These connector shapes can be dragged and dropped on to a page, selected for use with the Connector and Connect Shapes tools, or simply used to replace existing connectors.

  1. Open the stencil that contains the alternative connector shapes.

  2. Select the existing connectors on the page to be replaced.

  3. On the Home tab in the Editing group, click Change Shape, and then select the connector shape you want.

Note: The Change Shape feature was introduced in Visio 2013, but the Connector and Connect Shapes tools were introduced prior to Visio 2007.

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Change the shapes in the AutoConnect mini toolbar

The shapes on the mini toolbar come from the Quick Shapes stencil of a diagram. The mini toolbar displays up to four shapes. You can customize the shapes that appear on the mini toolbar. The following procedure uses the Basic Diagram as an example.

  1. By default, the shapes in the mini toolbar are the first four in the stencil that immediately follows the Quick Shapes stencil. For example, these are the first 4 shapes in the Basics stencil.

    The mini toolbar using default basic shapes
  2. To display different shapes in the mini toolbar for a certain stencil, you can reorder the shapes by dragging them to the top of the stencil. For example, you can drag the 4-point Star, 5-point Star, 6-point Star, and 7-point Star shapes to the top of the Basics stencil.

    The mini toolbar with new basic shapes
  3. You can also change the order of the stencils by dragging them higher or lower in the Shapes pane. A subset of these shapes appears in the Quick Shapes stencil, and in the same order as they are in the Shapes Pane. For example, after dragging the Decorative Shapes stencil immediately after the Quick Shapes stencil in the Shapes pane, the sequence changes in the Quick Shapes stencil.

    The mini toolbar using a different stencil by reordering

    Note: When you close and reopen a diagram, the default order of stencils in the Shapes pane is automatically restored and reflected in the Quick Shapes.

  4. To use a different stencil as the basis for the mini toolbar, in the Quick Shapes stencil select a shape in the subset of these shapes for a stencil. For example, select Venn Diagram in the Graphic and Math Shapes stencil.

    The mini toolbar using  a new stencil by selecting

Tip: To return to the default sequence of shapes in a stencil, right-click the stencil name in the Shapes pane, and then select Reset Stencil.

Note: Not all stencils have shapes that can be used in the mini toolbar. For example, the shapes in the Arrow Shapes stencil do not appear on the mini toolbar.

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Turn AutoConnect on or off

Auto-connect is a file-level option. If you turn on the option, it remains that way for the current file, but when you work on a different file, you have to turn it on again. For certain templates, the option turned on by default. 

Turn AutoConnect on or off in the active diagram

  • On the View tab, in the Visual Aids group, select or clear AutoConnect.

    Select or clear AutoConnect on the View tab to activate or deactivate AutoConnect.

If the AutoConnect option is grayed out, you can fix that by going to File > Options > Advanced and selecting Enable AutoConnect:

Activate or deactivate AutoConnect

  1. Click the File tab, and then click Options.

  2. In Visio Options, click Advanced.

  3. Under Editing options, select Enable AutoConnect to activate AutoConnect. Or clear that check box to deactivate AutoConnect.

    Select or clear Enable AutoConnect to activate or deactivate AutoConnect for all diagrams & drawings.
  4. Click OK.

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See Also

Edit connector lines, arrows, or points

Add and edit connector text

Create a custom connector

Glue or unglue connectors

All you need to know about Visio desktop connectors

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