Applies ToVisio Paket 2 Visio Professional 2021 Visio Standard 2021 Visio Professional 2019 Visio Standard 2019 Visio Professional 2016 Visio Standard 2016

Off-page references provide links between different drawing pages. In this dialog box, specify the page on which you want the diagram to continue, and how you want the off-page reference shape to behave.

New Page

Click to create and name a new page in the diagram, and to add a link from the off-page reference shape to the new page.

Existing Page

Click to add a link from the off-page reference shape to an existing page in the diagram.

Drop Off-Page Reference Shape On Page

Select to add an off-page reference shape on the page to which the original off-page reference will be linked.

Keep Shape Text Synchronized

Select to have text you type in the off-page reference shape on one page match the text in the shape on the other page.

Synchronize text, for example, if you add a code letter, such as A, to the off-page reference. Don't synchronize text if you type See Page 2 in the off-page reference shape on Page 1.

Insert Hyperlinks On Shape(s)

Select if you plan to save the diagram in HTML format for presentation on a Web site. This adds a hyperlink to the off-page reference shape on the current page, and on the page on which the diagram continues, if you add an off-page reference there.

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