Start the conversation or join the ones around you through the storyline in Viva Engage. The Storylines landing page aggregates content from people you follow as well as relevant and trending storyline content across the organization. 

  • To go to the storylines landing page, select the Storylines tab in Viva Engage.

Opening the storyline in Viva Engage This page features three feeds to keep you informed:

  • Feed uses a relevance-based sort to prioritize storyline content that's most relevant and personalized to you. This general feed features storyline posts from people you follow and trending storyline content from across your organization.

  • Following only includes storyline content from people you follow. Content is sorted by recency of the date the storyline conversation was started.

  • All includes all storyline posts within your organization. This feed is most useful for admins who need to be aware of all conversations in their organization.

    • To access all storyline conversations, select the filter icon and from the dropdown menu, select All.


  • Microsoft Teams also provides the integrated Viva Engage experience in your Teams app, including access to your complete storyline. See the following section for details.

  • Microsoft Teams also supports its own Storyline without installation of Viva Engage, so you can directly participate in your network's social media feed. See the section Storyline in Microsoft Teams for more details.

Post on storyline

Storyline posts reach people wherever they work. You can read, react, and comment from Outlook, Teams, and Viva Connections.

Post on your storyline from the following places in Viva Engage: 

  • Your personal storyline (find it on the top right of the main Storylines page)

  • The storylines feed

  • Your home feed

  • The storyline in Microsoft Teams

    • When you post on your Home feed, select My storyline from the community picker.

Tip: To access Viva Engage from Microsoft Teams, install and pin the Viva Engage app for Teams to your left rail to gain quick access to your storyline.

Grow your personal network

People across your organization can discover your storyline posts in their feeds. They can follow you and choose to get notifications when you share to your storyline. Following others helps you learn more about them. As more people follow each other, it becomes easier to share and exchange ideas. 

  • Select Follow to start following people in your organization in someone’s storyline post or on their personal storyline.

  • Select the bell icon next to the Following button on someone’s post to turn on notifications from them. From there, you can customize the clients, outside of Viva Engage, for which you’d like to be notified when the person posts to their storyline.

  • Use @mentions (@jsmith) when you post to notify people who may be interested in your content.

  • After you publish, share your posts to relevant communities through the Share menu. Copy a link to share in email, Teams channel or chat.

Note: Storyline notifications are integrated into Outlook’s actionable messages framework, which allows you to view, reply, and react to the full storyline conversation without ever leaving Outlook.

Upload a cover image

You can change the cover photo for your storyline. To upload and view a storyline cover photo, you need a Viva suite license or a Viva Employee Communications and Communities license.

  1. On the storyline landing page, select your storyline in the upper-right corner.

  2. Hover over the top right of the current cover photo and select Update cover photo. Storyline cover photo dimensions are 680 pixels by 275 pixels. The file must be 20 MBs or less and use PNG, JPEG, or a non-animated GIF file format. If your chosen image is larger than the standard size, Viva Engage scales it to fit. You'll get the best result if the image has a similar aspect ratio to the standard size.

View the storyline profile

Your storyline also provides quick access to your Microsoft 365 profile. In your storyline, simply select the profile icon on the bottom left of the banner to see the summary. Select (...) in the dropdown to show more information.

Sample storyline profile info​​​​​​​

You can see members' public profile information by viewing their storyline in Viva Engage and selecting the profile icon on the bottom left of the banner. It provides contact information and other items depending on what's enabled in their Microsoft 365 profile. 

If you're the storyline owner, select Update your profile to see your complete Microsoft 365 profile.

Guest members don't have access to Microsoft 365 profile pages.

Storyline in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams supports the storyline feature to provide the Viva Engage social media interface without needing to install that app. When the Viva Engage admin enables storyline use for their tenant, all Teams users' instances in the network show the storyline without further configuration.

Microsoft Teams users in the network need to do nothing to get the storyline. If Viva Engage is a part of your workflow or if it is licensed by your organization, you'll see the storyline in Teams.

Tip: To see your storyline, open a new chat session with yourself. The Storyline tab appears at the top of the page.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Storyline is supported in Viva Engage networks that enforce Microsoft 365 identity. External networks and those that don't enforce Microsoft 365 identity can't use storylines. Your IT admins may also choose to disable storyline for your organization.   

Storyline content is visible to any internal user who has access to Viva Engage. Guests aren't able to see any storyline content. 

You can follow up to 3,000 people.

Your followers are notified through the notification preferences they've chosen. People who don't follow you are only notified if you @mention them. In those cases, users are notified the same way when they're @mentioned in group conversations.   

Users can't override the notification behavior of storyline. Following is an elective activity done by the follower, indicating their interest in what you have to say. Users that don’t follow you won't receive notifications unless you specifically @mention them.  

Learn more

Storyline announcements in Viva Engage

Delegation in Viva Engage

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