Manage your hospital shift from anywhere
Applies To
Microsoft TeamsWaiting to manage your hospital shift schedule until you’re at work can be inconvenient. You also need to be able to post notices of shift-change requests, so the entire staff can be kept in up to date.

Use Microsoft Teams to view and manage your schedule from anywhere, on almost any device. Request shift changes or send shift-swap requests to your manager for approval. Changes are automatically updated for all stakeholders to see.
Use built-in community messaging to request coverage for your shift in the event of an emergency.
Scheduling managers can also post announcements to Teams to ensure all team members have the latest news, policy updates, and organizational information needed to stay in the know.
View and manage your nursing or hospital schedule, safely and securely from anywhere.
Keep in touch with staff during your shift and after hours in real time on any device.
Receive information, updates, and announcements from your manager on your device.