Foster leadership-employee dialogue
Applies ToMicrosoft Teams

In large organizations, executives are often unaware of issues and employees don’t often have insight into broader initiatives. You need an easy way to keep executives informed about what’s going on in the company, keep employees engaged and informed about larger goals, and foster dialogue.


Create open communication between leadership and employees with Viva Engage. Executives can post information about the company’s mission, culture, and strategic initiatives. Hold live events in Viva Engage, including real-time Q&A sessions to connect with your teams.

Create an internal leadership blog where leaders can share company news and updates using dynamic content created with Microsoft 365 or third-party apps. Post published pieces to Viva Engage so employees can ask questions that leadership can answer directly.

To help leadership coordinate responses to more difficult questions or discuss new initiatives, create a Microsoft Teams channel. Connect Viva Engage to a tab in the channel, so leadership can work together and post content in real time. Use the Files tab to share company and organizational missions, values, and goals, so leadership can easily access materials.


  • Hold live events and create open forums for Q&A with Viva Engage.

  • Develop a blog to share new initiatives and changes.

  • Help leadership coordinate response plans to company goals and initiatives with Microsoft Teams.

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