Whenever you feel inspired, use Sticky Notes to write a quick reminder, or OneNote on your computer or mobile device lets you take notes the way you want. You can type, write, or even record audio notes. And then quickly share your notes with others to collaborate.

Take notes

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  • Click or tap anywhere on the page and start typing.

  • Use a stylus, mouse, or even your finger to handwrite a note.

  • Select a handwritten note and then select Draw > Ink to Text to turn handwriting into typed text.

  • Select a note and quickly move or resize it on the page.

  • All of your work is saved automatically.

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Basic tasks in OneNote for Windows 10

Draw and write your notes

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  • With a Surface Pen, just start writing.

  • On the Draw tab, select a pen to change the color and thickness.

  • Use Lasso Select to circle anything you've written. Then, select Ink to Text to turn it into editable text.

  • Select Ink to Shape and then draw shapes. OneNote will help them look perfect.

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Write notes and draw in OneNote for Windows 10

Share your notes with others

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  1. Open the notebook you want to share.

  2. Select Share.

  3. Type in the names or email addresses of people you want to share with.

  4. Select Share.

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Share a notebook from OneNote for Windows 10

Capture ideas with Sticky Notes

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  1. Open Sticky Notes.

  2. Select New note.

  3. Type or write whatever you want.

  4. Customize your notes with colors, formatting, and pictures.

Tip: In the Sticky Notes settings, you can turn on insights and sign in. This will enable Cortana to create reminders and allow your notes to sync to the cloud to be viewed on another device or on the web.

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Stay organized with Sticky Notes in Windows 10

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