Collaborate on files

Microsoft 365 brings together the best tools for you and your team to work together faster and easier, from anywhere in the world.
Save and share files

Files saved in Microsoft 365 are always up-to-date, accessible on any device, and shareable with everyone contributing to the file.
Select Share, then save it to OneDrive.
Make permission choices for the people you're sharing with, then add names.
Type an optional message, then click Send.
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Co-author with others

With one shared file, your team can work together on the same document, see changes, and have real-time conversations right in the file.
Select Edit Document > Edit in Browser.
To see who else is working on the file, look in the upper-right corner for initials or photos.
To see their edits, look for colored selections tagged with names, or rest your cursor over a selection to reveal the person’s name.
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Use comments

Add comments to specific parts of a file to make your feedback more clear. Reply to others' comments to have a discussion, even when you're not all in the document at the same time.
To add a new comment, select Review > New Comment.
Type your comment in the comment box.
To reply to a comment, go to the comment, and select Reply.
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Use @mentions

When you comment in a file and use the @-sign with someone's name, they receive an email with a link to your comment. Clicking the link brings them into the document and conversation.
Select Review > New Comment.
Type @ and a name, then pick the name you want. That person will get an email that guides them to the comment in the file.
When someone mentions you in a comment, click on the link in the email you receive, then add your response directly to the comment that needs your attention.
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