Your Skype Name is the name created when you first joined Skype, other than your email address or phone number. If you sign in with an email address or phone number instead, then you'll have a Skype Name tied to your Microsoft account.

  1. Select your profile picture .

  2. Select Skype profile , and your Skype Name is displayed in your profile.Skype name in UI

If you're signed into a different account than you were expecting , we can help.

Your Skype Name cannot be changed, but you can change your Skype display name.

  1. While in Skype, select your profile picture .

  2. Select Skype profile .

  3. Select the Edit button.Profile in Skype

  4. Update your Skype display name and select the check mark to save. You can change it back at any time.Change Skype display name

Note : It may take a little time for your Skype display name to update.

If you’ve forgotten your Skype username and can’t sign into your account.

If you can't sign into your Microsoft account, most issues can be identified by our sign-in helper tool.  The tool will ask you to enter the email address or mobile phone number you're trying to sign in with and check the details you provide. If we detect a problem with your account, we'll tell you what you need to do to solve the problem. If we don't detect any problem, we'll guide you through how you can help yourself.

Click the button to begin:


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