If you forgot your Skype password, reset your password now .

If you forgot your Skype password but do not have access to your email or phone to verify your identity:

  1. Go to the account recovery form .

  2. You will be asked for your email, phone number and Skype name as well as an additional email that we can contact you at. Find information about the recovery form, including tips for completing it, here .

  3. Once you have submitted the form it may take up to 24 hours to verify your information. The results of the request will be sent to the additional email address you provided.

  1. Go to the Skype sign in page .

  2. Select More sign-in options .

  3. Select Forgot my username .

  4. You'll be asked to either enter a phone number or an alternate email associated with your Microsoft account.

  5. We'll send a security code to the phone number or email you used. Enter the code and select Next .

  6. We'll show you any accounts associated with the phone number or email you provided. We will hide part of the username for security reasons. When you see the account you're looking for, select Sign in .

If you forgot your user name and receive the message "That Microsoft account doesn't exist", these steps may help you find or remember your Microsoft account .

If you can't sign into your Microsoft account, most issues can be identified by our sign-in helper tool.  The tool will ask you to enter the email address or mobile phone number you're trying to sign in with and check the details you provide. If we detect a problem with your account, we'll tell you what you need to do to solve the problem. If we don't detect any problem, we'll guide you through how you can help yourself.

Click the button to begin:


You can also check out our troubleshooting guide if you're having other sign in issues.

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