Video: Change who a roadmap is shared with
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Note: Don't see Roadmap? You may not have the right license, or your admin needs to enable it.
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After you've shared a Roadmap with an Microsoft 365 group, you can change who you've shared it with. While you can’t remove the group you originally selected to share your roadmap with, you can add or remove members from the group.
Stop sharing a roadmap with a person
Select Members.
Select the person and click the X to remove them.
Note: This removes the person from the Microsoft 365 group that you shared the roadmap with. This will also prevent them from accessing any other shared group assets such as OneNote notebooks, Outlook email, and SharePoint sites.
Share your roadmap with a new member
Select Members.
Start typing the person's name and then select them from the search results.
Note: This adds them to the Microsoft 365 group. In addition to the Roadmap, any people you add also gain access to the group's shared email, sites, and other files.