Video: Take tables of contents (TOCs) to the next level
Applies To
Word 2013
Delete the current TOC, click where you want to add the new TOC, open the Table of Contents gallery, and click Custom Table of Contents. To build a Custom Table of Contents, you need to tell Word what you want, and this is where you do it.
Create a custom TOC
Click REFERENCES > Table of Contents > Custom Table of Contents.
Make your changes in the Table of Contents dialog box. You’ll see what they look like in the Print Preview and Web Preview areas.
To add a dot leader, or dotted line, between each entry and its page number, click the Tab leader list, and then click the dotted line. You can also choose a dash leader.
To change the overall appearance of your Table of Contents, click the Formats list, and then click the format that you want.
To change the number of levels displayed in your Table of Contents, click Show levels, and then click the number of levels you want.
Click OK.
Want more?
Introduction to Tables of Contents (TOCs)