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Try it!

Use a Visio template to help you get started quickly with creating a diagram.

Open and find a template

  1. Select File > New.

  2. To browse all templates, select Categories.

    To see all templates in a category, select the category you want.

  3. Select a template, read the template description, and select the right or left arrow to browse the other templates in the category.

  4. Select the template you want to use, and then select Create.

Delete a shape in your diagram

  1. Select the shape.

  2. Press Delete.

Change a shape

  1. Select the shape.

  2. Select Home > Change Shape.

  3. Select a new shape.

Connect a new shape

  1. Select an existing shape.

  2. Point the arrow in the direction you want the new shape to appear.

  3. Select the shape you want to add.

Add text to a shape

  1. Select the shape.

  2. Select Text and type the new text in the shape.

  3. Press Enter.

Move connectors and shapes

  1. Select a connector and drag it to the shape's point you want to move it to.

  2. To align shapes in a diagram, select a shape and drag it into alignment with the shape you want.

Save the diagram

  1. Select File > Save As.

  2. Select a location.

  3. Type in a file name.

  4. Select Save.

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A beginner's guide to Visio

View featured templates and sample diagrams online

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