Video: Apply transitions between slides
Applies To
PowerPoint 2013
Slide transitions are the effects that occur when you move from one slide to the next during an on-screen presentation. Here’s how to work with them.
Add a transition to a slide
In the thumbnail pane, click the slide that you want to apply a transition to. The transition setting dictates how that slide enters and the preceding slide exits. In our example below, if you add a transition to Slide 3, it dictates how Slide 2 leaves and Slide 3 enters.
On the TRANSITIONS tab, find the effect that you want in the transition gallery. Click the More button to see the entire gallery. Click the effect that you want for that slide and see a preview.
Click TRANSITIONS > Effect Options to change how the transition occurs, for example, which direction the slide enters from.
Enter a time at Duration to set how fast the transition goes. Set the number higher to make the transition go slower. For more about transition timing, see the link to Set the speed and timing of transitions, linked to at right, under See also.
Click Preview to see what the transition looks like with all the settings.
If you want all the slides in the presentation to have the same transition, click Apply To All in the Timing group.
Want more?
Add a sound effect to a transition
A transition provides a visual effect when you move from one slide to the next.
For example, with this Push transition, the Title Slide is pushed up by Slide 2.
With a Cube transition, the slides rotate, as if on the sides of a cube.
And, with a simple Fade transition, one slide fades into the next.
Use transitions to add smoothness and visual interest to your presentation. Here’s how.
In this presentation, we’ll select Slide 2 and click the TRANSITIONS tab.
In the Transition to This Slide group, we’ll click the More arrow to open the transitions gallery.
To apply a transition to the selected slide, just click the transition.
I’ll click the Push transition to apply it.
We instantly see a preview of the transition.
Note that a transition plays before the slide that it is applied to.
So, the Push transition plays between slides 1 and 2.
A small star next to the slide thumbnail indicates that the transition is applied.
To see the transition again, click Preview.
Let’s try some other transitions.
This time, to move through the gallery, I’ll click this down arrow to go to the next row.
That leaves the slide in view, so I can see the transition’s preview.
Let’s try Drape.
Going to the next row, how about Checkerboard, or Blinds.
I like Blinds, so I’ll leave it applied to the slide.
Now, to apply the Blinds transition to all the slides, I need to click Apply To All.
To see the transitions, I’ll click the Title Slide, to start from the top, and click Slide Show.
There is the first transition. And here is how it looks, slide to slide.
To remove a transition, select the slide to remove it from, and at the top of the gallery, click None.
To remove transitions from all slides, select any slide, click None, and click Apply To All.
Up next: Explore transition options.