Create a pie chart
Applies To
Access for Microsoft 365 Access 2024 Access 2021 Access 2019
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Add a pie chart right on your Access form.
In the ribbon, select Create > Form Design.
Select Insert Chart > Pie.
Click on the Form Design grid in the location where you want to place the chart. Resize the chart for better readability.
In the Chart Settings pane, select Queries, and then select the query you want.
For example, select SalesAmountsQry. -
To configure the chart, select options under the following sections. In the example, set:
Axis (Category) to "SalesPerson".
Values (Y axis) to "OrderAmount (Sum)".
Select the Format tab and turn on Display Data Label.
To customize the chart layout , select Property Sheet, set Legend Position to "Right" and set Chart Title to "Order Amount".
To see the completed chart, right-click on the tab and select Form or Report View.