Captivate the class with a narrative in Sway
Ever have a report that you need to present? Or How about a portfolio? Want to make your presentations more interactive? Sway has you covered.
What is Sway?
Sway is a new way to make a presentation. While slides can be great for certain projects, sometimes you want a little more flexibility when designing how you want to present your hard work and creativity. Sway can make your presentations fun and interactive as you and your classmates present big ideas, small group projects, portfolios, and more—the possibilities are endless.
Plus, Sway is entirely web-based, making your creations easier to share.
Let’s begin by selecting New blank Sway.

We call this view the Storyline view. Here, we can view anything we‘ve made so far in the Sway. Go ahead and add a title and background, then select the + to add content.

Let’s begin by adding Heading 1. Here, you can add any text you would like as the heading of the section, plus an image to fit. We’ve made our Sway about ocean currents:

Now, let’s start adding text. Select the +, then choose Text to add your body text. You can create bold text by using the Emphasize function, and italic text using the Accent function.

Next, let’s add a slideshow of photos. To do so, select +, then Group. Choose the type of slideshow type you would like to use, then select Add Content to load photos, text, videos, or anything else you may want to add to your story.

Once you’ve inserted your content, you can design your Sway to make it truly yours.
Let’s begin by selecting the Design tab in the ribbon. You should now see your Sway in the default design setup. Select the Styles option in the ribbon.

The Styles section allows you to customize the design of the Sway and change its scrolling orientation from Vertical, Horizontal, or Slides view. You can also use the Remix! option for a surprise design.
Microsoft Word for the web’s Transform feature automatically converts your document into a Sway. To transform your work in Word for the web to a Sway creation, go to File > Transform, choose the design, and then behold your awesome new Sway page.