Ever have a report that you need to present? Or How about a portfolio? Want to make your presentations more interactive? Sway has you covered.

What is Sway?

Sway is a new way to make a presentation. While slides can be great for certain projects, sometimes you want a little more flexibility when designing how you want to present your hard work and creativity. Sway can make your presentations fun and interactive as you and your classmates present big ideas, small group projects, portfolios, and more—the possibilities are endless.

Plus, Sway is entirely web-based, making your creations easier to share.

Let’s begin by selecting New blank Sway.

Title your Sway

We call this view the Storyline view. Here, we can view anything we‘ve made so far in the Sway. Go ahead and add a title and background, then select the + to add content.

What kind of content you want to add

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