Applies ToSkype for Business
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Sign in and out of Skype for Business to choose how you want to be visible to your contacts.

Sign in

  1. Click the Sign In button.

  2. Type in your password.

  3. Check the Save my password box to autosave your sign in info, or leave the box unchecked if you don't want to save it.

  4. Click the Sign In button again to complete the sign in.

Sign out

  1. Click the arrow next to the Show Menu icon show menu arrow.

  2. Select File.

  3. Choose Sign Out.

Close and re-open

  • To keep Skype for Business running, close your main window by clicking the X X_Close_SfB in the upper-right corner.

  • Search "Skype for Business" on your computer to bring the program back up.

  • Or click the app icon if you've pinned it to your task bar.

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