Video: Print envelopes with mail merge
Applies To
Word 2013
You create Mail Merge Envelopes the same as email messages or letters. First, click FILE and close the current document. Make sure to save it, then go to FILE, click New, and open a Blank document. Watch this video to learn more.
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You create Mail Merge Envelopes the same as email messages or letters.
First, click FILE and Close the current document.
Make sure to Save it.
Then, go to FILE, click New and open a Blank document.
On the MAILINGS tab, click Start Mail Merge, and Envelopes.
You can use the wizard if you want to, but this can be faster.
You start by entering your Envelope Options.
First, select the Size.
Choose one of the standard sizes, or enter a Custom size. See a Preview down here.
You can also adjust the layout of the Return address and Delivery address and click Font to change font formatting.
We'll go with the default settings.
Next, click the Printing Options tab.
This tab shows you how to feed envelopes into your printer.
For example, this printer requires that you place the envelope against the top and right edges of the printer tray, face down and rotated clockwise.
It's a good idea to print a test envelope before you run your final Mail Merge.
If you find it doesn't print correctly, you can try changing these settings.
Press Reset to bring the settings back to the recommended feed method for your printer. Click OK.
And Word changes the size of the document to match the envelope size.
Now let's add our recipients.
We'll use the list we created in the last movie.
Click Use an Existing List, locate the list, and click Open.
You can click Edit Recipient List if you want to make any changes, but we'll leave the list as is.
Now, we can add the addresses. Click in the area where the delivery address goes, and select the paragraph that Word placed there for the address block.
Go to the HOME tab and click Show/Hide Paragraph Marks if you want to see where the paragraphs were placed.
Click Address Block.
We can set this up the same way as the address block in movie 2.
First, choose a less-formal name format. Uncheck Insert company name. Click Never include the country/region in the address, and uncheck Format address according to the destination country/region. Click OK.
Click Preview Results and check through the names, if you want.
Finally, let's add a return address in the paragraph that Word added in the upper left corner.
Now, Save the envelope, pick a location, and type a name.
In this case, we created the envelope for a specific letter, so we'll save it in the same folder with the same name and append 'Envelope' to the end.
That will help us find both files if later, we need to.
Click Save.
Last, click Finish & Merge and Print Documents.
Load your envelopes in the printer and click OK.
If you have never printed an envelope with the printer you are using, it might be a good idea to click Current record and print one envelope first as a test.
Then, if everything works okay, click All and OK.
Now you have all the information you need to do basic Mail Merge tasks.
But there is a lot more to know about Mail Merge- things like adding Rules and custom fields, and working with Excel spreadsheets.
To learn more, check out the links in the course summary.