How to add a community website link in Microsoft Teams (free)
If you want more people to join and be active in your Microsoft Teams (free) community, you can add a community website. The community link will help new and current members learn all about your community and what it's all about.
Add a community website link
There are different ways to add a community website link to a community you own. To add, edit, or manage a community website link, you must be an owner of the community. When a community owner creates a community website link, all the community members can see it.
Add a community website link using settings
In Teams, tap Home at the lower-left corner of the screen.
Open the community you want to add a website, then tap the community name.
Tap Add website and fill out the details for the website you want to add to your community.
Website title: Give your website a title.
URL: Add the website you want to display on your community. For example, you can add a webpage, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram link.
Tip: Fill out the website title to customize your community website link. For example, instead of only using the website URL, you can write "Insta page". A clear title helps people understand what the website is about.
Tap Save.
Add a community website link using Edit
In Teams, tap Home at the lower-left corner of the screen.
Open the community you want to add a website.
Tap the pencil at the upper-right of the screen > Website.
Fill out the details about the website you want to add to your community.
Website title: Give your website a title.
URL: Add the website you want to display on your community. For example, you can add a webpage, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram link.
Tip: Fill out the website title to customize your community website link. For example, instead of only using the website URL, you can write "Insta page". A clear title helps people understand what the website is about.
Tap Done.
Tap Save.
Edit a community website link
To edit a community website link, you must be an owner of the community.
In Teams, tap Home at the lower-left corner of the screen.
Open the community you want to edit, then tap the community name.
Tap the community website link > Edit website.
Fill out the details.
Website title: Give your website title.
URL: Add the website you want to display on your community. For example, you can add a webpage, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram link.
Tip: Fill out the website title to customize your community website link. For example, instead of only using the website URL, you can write "Insta page". A clear title helps people understand what the website is about.
Tap Save.
Manage a community website link
To completely remove a community website link, you must be an owner of the community.
In Teams, tap Home at the lower-left corner of the screen.
Open the community you want to remove, then tap the community name.
Tap the community website link > Remove website. Then confirm by tapping Remove website to delete the link from the community or Cancel to exit without submitting any changes.
Add a community website link using profile card
In Teams, go to Community.
Hover over the community profile picture.
Select Add website
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Under Add website
, you'll see:-
Website title- Give your website a title.
URL- add your website link
Choose Save to add your text and link or Cancel.
Tip: Fill out the website title to customize your community website link. For example, instead of only using the website URL, you can write "Insta page". A clear title helps people understand what the website is about.
Manage a community website link
To completely remove a community website link, you must be an owner of the community.
In Teams, go to Community.
Hover over the community profile photo.
Next to your website, select the pencil
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Under Edit website, you can change:
Website title- choose what your members will see on the profile card
URL- add your website link
Tip: Fill out the website title to customize your community website link. For example, instead of only using the website URL, you can write "Insta page". A clear title helps people understand what the website is about.
Select Save for new changes, Cancel to keep your current website, or Remove to confirm deleting the website information from the community.
Contact us
For more help, contact support or ask a question in the Microsoft Teams Community.