Guests can't be added to shared channels. When you share a channel with a team that has guests, the guests won't get access to the shared channel. But it’s easy to give people outside your organization access to a shared channel.

What you need to get started

  • The person you want to invite to the shared channel needs to have a work or school Teams account in Microsoft 365

  • Your org and the org of the person you're inviting must have B2B direct connect set up by an admin

To learn more, see Share a channel with people.

What’s B2B direct connect?

It's a feature admins set up that allows people from one Microsoft 365 org to share a channel with people and teams from other Microsoft 365 orgs. To learn more, see What is a shared channel in Teams?

Want to learn more? See First things to know about channels.

Related topics

What is a shared channel?

Why use a shared channel versus other channel types?

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