Applies ToTeams Microsoft Teams for Education


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Get the overview 1:41

Getting started 

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Create or join a team


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Manage team members


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Navigate your Teams space


Working together 

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Work with a team in channels


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Stay connected with conversations


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Conduct meetings


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Make a big impact with Announcements


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Share and collaborate with Files


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Use Class Notebook and Teams together


Assignments and grading 

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Create, track, and review assignments in class teams


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6 tips for assigning and grading


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Speed grade assignments


Do more 

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Personalize your Teams with apps


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Organize your team's notes and resources with OneNote


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Better together: Add EDU partners to your Team sites


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Use Immersive Reader in Assignments  


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Integrate Microsoft Forms within your team


Send and post messages

Collaborate in teams and channels

Upload and find files

Start chats, calls, and meetings

Explore apps and tools

Manage notification settings

Teams on the go

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