Applies To

Once you've created the main draft of your publication, you can select the channels you want to publish to, and customize your publication for each distribution channel.

Note: Your content might look different depending on which distribution channels you publish it to. Learn more about how content changes for different distribution channels.

Choose which channels you want to publish to

  1. Select the Distribution channels icon in the content pane.Screenshot of the distribution channel selection pane.

  2. This will open the side panel where you can select the checkboxes for the distribution channels you want to publish to.Screenshot of the side panel showing checkboxes for Outlook, SharePoint, and Teams.

  3. Once you've selected the distribution channels you want to publish to, choose Next.

    Important: Viva Amplify has limits to the number of recipients per publication

    • 200 email addresses, including individuals, groups, and distribution channels

    • 10 SharePoint sites

    • 5 Teams channels

  4. This will open the first channel that you selected in preview mode. You can switch the channel that you're previewing for by going to Previewing for: and choosing the channel you want to preview.Screenshot of the Previewing for banner.

  5. Customize your content for each distribution channel by selecting Customize. You can switch back to preview mode by selecting Preview.

Preview accuracy

We strive to provide you with the most accurate preview possible for your content across different publishing apps. However, it's important to note that the preview may not always be completely accurate, as different versions of the apps may display content differently. To ensure the best possible outcome, it's recommended to use the test email and test post functionality available for Outlook and Teams, respectively. 

Test and view publications in different versions of apps

Viva Amplify offers tools to help you test your content before sending or publishing to ensure that your publication posts or sends the way you want it to. You can test post or send as often as you'd like, ensuring that your content is error-free and ready to go. This gives you the opportunity to make any necessary changes before sending to a larger audience, ensuring that your message is clear and effective. Using these testing tools can help ensure that your content reaches your audience without issues.


From the Add audience pane in preview or customization mode, select Send yourself a test email. This sends an email from you to yourself, allowing you to see exactly how your content will appear to your intended audience. It's recommended to look at the different ways your audience will see this information, including using a web version or desktop version of Outlook.  


From the Add audience pane in preview or customization mode, select Post a test message. This adds the post to your General channel, which only communicators in this campaign have access to. It's recommended to look at the test post in different versions of Teams that are used within your organization, especially the version the majority of your users are using.

Customize your content for each distribution channel

The Customize button in the Teams, SharePoint and Outlook views allows you to make specific edits for the selected distribution channel.  Customizing your message for different apps ensures that it's as effective as possible at achieving your communication goals. This can lead to better engagement, increased productivity, and stronger relationships with your audience.


  • When you make changes for Outlook or Teams, your publication will be customized specific to the channel and the changes aren't reflected in other channels or the Main draft.

  • Any changes you make in SharePoint will also reflect back into the Main draft, but not to Outlook and Teams if these channels are already customized.   

From the main draft

Select the Distribution channels icon in the content pane to open up the side panel. Then select Customize for the distribution channel that you want to customize.

From preview mode

Select Customize​​​​​​​ on the command bar.

Reset your customizations

Press Reset to bring your content back to what you set in the main draft. This will undo your customizations. The reset button only applies to the Channel you are viewing and only resets the content of that channel.

Customize for Outlook

Outlook uses a similar editor to SharePoint and the main draft. You can use the same tools to create formatting and add webparts. However, you can only use webparts and formats that are supported in Outlook. This means that you won't see all of the same options for webparts and layouts that you do in the main draft.

Customize for Teams

Teams uses a similar editor to SharePoint and the main draft. You can use the same tools to create formatting and add webparts. However, you can only use webparts and formats that are supported in Teams. This means that you won't see all of the same options for webparts and layouts that you do in the main draft. Viva Amplify provides a range of options for ways to post your message in Teams.

Post options

You can choose to post your message either as a regular post or an announcement.

Who can reply

You can choose to either allow everyone to reply to your message, or restrict replies to you and moderators of the channel.

Format text

You can only choose formatting options that are available in Teams posts. This means that you won't see all of the same formatting options that you would in the main draft.

Customize for SharePoint

Important: Customizations you make for SharePoint will reflect back onto your main canvas.

Viva Amplify uses SharePoint News posts in Viva Microsoft Amplify to allow you to easily preview, modify, and publish your message to your Newsfeed and Connections.  Learn more about how to customize SharePoint news posts.

Customize the sender of your message

To choose the senders and audiences of your messages, select Add Audience​​​​​​​ to open the content pane.


In Outlook you can customize the sender of the message by choosing From and entering the email of the person that you want to appear in the from field in the recipients' inboxes. You can do this only when in customization mode in Outlook. Add a subject, and choose who to send the email to with the ToCC, and BCC fields. 

To send a test email, select Send yourself a test email.


  • Only the person publishing the email or a mailbox they have dependency rights to can be used. If you don’t have the dependency rights for the person added in the From field, the email will be sent but will generate a non-delivery receipt in the sender's inbox.  

  • If you're editing the From field and send a test email, the test email won't show the from field entered. Test emails are always sent from the person publishing the email to the mailbox of the person publishing the email.  


In Teams you can customize the Post as field to indicate the name of the person that will ultimately publish the post. You can only do this only when in customization mode in the Teams channel.

Note: The person in listed in the Post as field needs to be the same person who ultimately publishes the content, otherwise the publication won't publish successfully.


In SharePoint you can customize the byline by selecting the People web part in the title and entering  the person that should appear as the person that published the content. You can only do this only when in customization mode in SharePoint or on the main draft.

Note: There's no permission check in SharePoint, so you'll need to make sure that the person listed in the byline is aware of the publication in their name.

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