Provide quick resolution to patient questions
Applies ToOutlook 2021 Outlook 2019 Outlook 2016 SharePoint in Microsoft 365 Microsoft Teams

Providing quality healthcare requires connecting with colleagues in real time and easy access to patient information that can be acted on quickly. However, this information is also highly sensitive and needs to be secure. 

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You and your colleagues can use your hospital's central, secure SharePoint site to review and update patient medical history from nearly any device.

Securely share patient files with colleagues in Microsoft Teams and use chat or video calls to discuss and finalize your treatment plan.

Use Outlook Modern Attachments and SharePoint to share the treatment plan. SharePoint will automatically update edits through Outlook attachments to ensure you and your patient are viewing the same documentation and recommendations.


  • Quickly and securely review patient medical records.

  • Get advice from colleagues for insights on treatment options.

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