Change your Surface Duo audio and caption settings
Applies ToSurface Duo Surface Duo 2

Change the volume and your ringtone

Quickly change the volume for different sounds—including music, calls, phone ringing, and alarms. When you press the Volume up or Volume down buttons, a Volume slider will appear on your device. Tap the Settings (...) button at the bottom of the slider to change volume levels for Media, Call, Ring, and Alarm. For more info, go to New to Android: Surface Duo.

Caption preferences

Customize the look of captions in Caption preferences. This setting isn’t supported by all apps. Learn more about caption preferences

Change your captions settings by going to Settings > Accessibility > Caption preferences and turn on captions by tapping Show captions.

Mono audio

Use mono audio if you’d like audio to come through one channel instead of two:

In most cases when you listen to music with headphones or through speakers, the audio will come from two channels, one directed for the left ear and one directed for the right.

If you’d like to combine both channels into one, turn on mono-audio by going to Settings > Accessibility > Audio adjustmentMono audio.

Audio balance

Adjust the audio balance to determine if you want the sound to be louder on the left side, right side, or the same on both sides. To adjust the audio balance, go to Settings > Accessibility > Audio adjustment Audio balance, then drag the slider towards the left, right, or leave it in the middle.

Hearing aid support

Use a hearing aid with Surface Duo. Learn more about connecting a hearing aid

Real-time text (RTT) during calls

Use text to communicate during a phone call with RTT. Learn more about making a phone call on Surface Duo

To turn on RTT, open the Phone app, then tap Menu Settings > Accessibility > Real-time text (RTT) > Visible during call or Always visible.

More accessibility resources

More about Surface Duo and accessibility

Helpful apps from the Google Play Store

Because Surface Duo runs on Android, you can choose from thousands of Android apps and games in the Google Play Store. Live Caption, Live Transcribe, and Sound Amplifier are three accessibility apps you might find useful. Here’s how to get them: Tap Play Store on your Home screen. Then, in the Play Store, search for the app by name.

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