What is the Today tab in Skype and how do I use it?

The Today tab in Skype helps keep you up-to-date with the latest news and trends. You can customize the Today tab to show the things that you are interested in. The Today tab is only available in the US on Skype for Android. Manage and add interests to My channels

  1. Tap the Today tab in the Skype app.

  2. Tap Manage next to My channels .

  3. You can either select options under Discover interests or search for something specific in the What are you looking for? field.

  4. Tap Done when you're finished making your selections. Your updated interests will display under My channels .

Customize stories in your feed

  1. Tap the Today tab in the Skype app.

  2. Select the more option more options button next to any of the stories in your feed.

  3. You can select the following:

    • More stories like this - choose to get more stories similar to the one selected

    • Fewer stories like this - choose to get less stories similar to the one selected

    • Share - choose to share this story with one of your Skype contacts or tap the share button from the bottom of the Share link screen to share with someone outside of Skype.

    • Manage interests - choose to manage and add interests to My channels

    • Cancel

  4. After making a selection, you will be taken back to your Today feed.

Turn off the Today tab in Skype If you would prefer not to have the Today tab in Skype, you can turn it off:

  1. Tap your profile picture in the Skype app.

  2. Tap Settings , then tap Appearance .

  3. Scroll down and under Bottom Navigation , turn the toggle for Enable Today tab off. The Today tab will be removed from the bottom navigation in Skype. You can turn the Today tab on again at any time.

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