How do I view someone's profile in Skype?
  1. Find the person's profile you want to view in your Chats or Contacts .

  2. Tap and hold or right-click the contact's name, then select View profile from the menu. Alternatively (or for Android 4.0.4 - 5.1 users), from within a chat, select the contact's name at the top of the chat header to view their profile. Tip: You can also select the person's picture next to one of their messages to quickly view their profile.

  1. From your Chats , select the group you want.

  2. Select the Settings button Manage group button next to the group name at the top of the chat header.

  3. Scroll through the group profile.

  4. Select the X or back arrow to return to your group chat.

  1. When viewing a profile, select Edit text button Edit profile . Note: The edit button will not be available until they have been added as a contact.

  2. Type a new name for the contact.

  3. Select the Check mark button check mark or Save button to confirm your changes. Note: When you edit someone's name, it only changes how their name appears to you.

  • Edit text button Edit profile : Select the edit button to add a phone number and confirm your changes. When you add a phone number, only you will see it.

  • Messaging button Send message : Select Send message to send an instant message to your contact.

  • Start call : Select Start call to start an audio call with this person.

  • video call button Start video call : Select Start video call to start a video call with this person.

  • Start phone call button Start phone call : Select Start phone call to call this person on their mobile number from Skype.

  • Search button Search in conversation : Tap Search in conversation to find a specific message in a chat. (Available on mobile only)

  • private conversation button Start a private conversation : Select Start private conversation to chat with an added layer of security.

  • Schedule Call button Schedule a call : Select Schedule a call to set a reminder for a call between you and your contact.

  • Contact card button Share contact : Select Share contact to share your friend's information with any of your other contacts.

  • Create a new group : Select Create a new group , select the people you want to add to the group from the list, or use Search , and then select the Done button.

Translate Conversation

  • Language button Send translation request : Select Send translation request to send a Translated Conversation invitation to your contact.

  • Translation settings : Select Translation settings to select your Spoken language or Translation voice .


  • Contact card button Skype Name : Displays the contact's Skype Name .

  • If your contact has included additional information on their profile, it will appear here.

  • Add to Favorites : Turn the toggle for Add to favorites on or off to pin the conversation to the top of your chat list.

Chat Gallery

  • Select the Chat Gallery or select Show more to view all images that have been shared to this chat.

  • Chat settings : Select Chat settings to change the following settings:

    • Hide Conversation : Select Hide Conversation to hide your chat with the contact. (Available on mobile only)

    • Notifications : Turn the toggle for notifications on or off for this chat.

    • Delete Skype Conversation : Select Delete Skype Conversation and then confirm by choosing Delete to delete your entire conversation with the contact.

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