How do I add or change my mood message in Skype?
  1. Select your profile picture .

  2. Under your profile picture, either select Share what you're up to and add a new mood message or select the existing message to update it. You can quickly update your mood message from the list of suggestions or create your own. When words just aren't enough, you can add or update the emoticon:

    • Select Add emoticon button Open emoticon picker if you haven't added one before.

    • Select the existing emoticon to choose a new one. Update emoticon

  3. Select the Done button to save your mood message.

Android 4.0.4 - 5.1

  1. Tap the menu menu button button.

  2. Tap the pencil Pencil button button under your name to add or update your mood message.

  3. Tap the check mark Check mark button button to save your mood message.

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