Emergency calling support in Skype for the United States

Important: Starting in May 2025, Skype will no longer be available. By logging in to Microsoft Teams Free with your Skype account, your chats and contacts will appear in the app so you can pick up where you left off. This capability will gradually roll out to Skype and Teams users on the latest app versions over the coming days. Alternatively, you can export your Skype data. Learn more about Skype retirement

​​​​​​​Skype now supports emergency calls to 911 in the United States. You can also enable 911 emergency location sharing to permit Skype to automatically capture and share your location with emergency operators when making a 911 call. Your location will only be shared in the event you dial 911 for the purpose of routing your call and providing location information to your local emergency operator. If you are operating from a device that does not have an API for location sharing or are in a location where location sharing is unavailable, your location will not be shared automatically with the emergency services operator.To enable 911 emergency location sharing:

  1. In Skype, select your profile picture .

  2. Select Settings , then select Privacy .

  3. Turn 911 emergency location sharing on. You will need to acknowledge the Notices and Disclosures and the Special 911 Warning of Limitations and Unavailability to complete the process. You can disable 911 emergency location sharing at any time, but this means your address will not be shared with 911 in case of an emergency.

Note : You may also need to allow Location sharing from your device settings. Settings are managed differently depending on the device. If you’re not sure how to check your device settings, you may need to check the manufacturer’s website.

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