How do I invite members with personal Skype accounts to join my Skype Manager™?

Before you add or invite members to your Skype Manager, you'll need to set up your own Skype Manager account , and enter a name for your group. You add or invite members by using their email addresses or Skype Name. Members can only belong to one Skype Manager at a time.

Add members

  1. Click Invite members from your Skype Manager Dashboard.

  2. Choose whether you want to invite them using their email address, or Skype Name.

  3. Enter one or more email addresses, or Skype Names of people you want to invite, and then click Next .

  4. Choose whether you want to add members to a list when they accept the invite by selecting a list from the drop-down menu.

    If you don't already have a list created, you can create a new one to help you organize your members into categories.

    To create a list:

    1. Click Create a list .

    2. Enter a name for your list, and then click Create .

  5. Click Send invites .

To Create a list after inviting members

  1. Click Members from your Skype Manager Dashboard toolbar.

  2. Under Member overview, click Create a list .

  3. Enter a name for your list, and then click Create .

For more information on Skype Manager, refer to our downloadable guides .

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