How do I change audio and video settings in Skype?

To change audio settings in Skype for iPhone and iPad:

  1. Tap your profile picture .

  2. Tap Settings General settings gear button .

  3. Tap Audio and Video Audio & Video mic button .

  4. Next to Noise cancellation , tap Auto or the current option selected for Skype calls. Learn more about AI-based noise suppression . You'll have the following options to choose from:

    • Off - Noise cancellation is disabled.

    • Auto (default) - The Skype app will adjust the level of noise suppression based on your environment.

    • Low - Low levels of persistent background noise will be suppressed, such as a computer fan or air conditioner. However, you can use this setting if you want to share the music you are playing.

    • High - All background sound will be suppressed except for speech.

Note : Noise cancellation is not available on Skype for Android. To change audio and video settings in Skype on desktop:

  1. Select your profile picture .

  2. Select Settings General settings gear button .

  3. Select Audio and Video Audio & Video mic button .

  4. From there you can customize the following audio and video settings:

    • Camera - Select a different camera if you have one connected.

      • Camera Preview - Glimpse a preview of your camera.

      • Change background - Blur or customize your background during a video call in Skype

      • Webcam settings - Customize your webcam brightness, contrast and more. This feature is only available in Skype for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

    • Microphone - Select a different microphone device if you have one connected.

      • Automatically adjust microphone settings - With this toggled on, your microphone volume will be set automatically. When you toggle this off, you can adjust your microphone volume manually. (not available in Skype for Web)

    • Noise cancellation - Adjust the Noise cancellation option for Skype calls. Learn more about AI-based noise suppression . You'll have the following options to choose from:

      • Auto (default) - The Skype app will adjust the level of noise suppression based on your environment.

      • Low - Low levels of persistent background noise will be suppressed, such as a computer fan or air conditioner. However, you can use this setting if you want to share the music you are playing.

      • High - All background sound will be suppressed except for speech.

      • Off - Noise cancellation is disabled. Note : Enabling this option uses more computer resources because the noise cancellation is happening on your device and not on the Skype side.

    • Speakers - Select a different speaker if you have one connected.

      • Speaker volume - Adjust your speaker sound volume. (not available in Skype for Web)

        • Note: The default setting for speaker volume is set to maximum (level 10) and can be adjusted anytime. This setting adjusts levels of your Skype ringtones and call volume independent of your device volume settings.

      • Test audio - Select this to test your current speaker volume.

      • Unmute for incoming calls - Choose whether you want your incoming calls muted or unmuted by toggling this On or Off . (not available in Skype for Web)

      • Ring on additional device - You can set Skype incoming calls to ring on multiple audio devices if you have, for example, both a headset and speaker connected. (not available in Skype for Web)

    • Make a free test call - You can use this feature to check that your sound and microphone are working properly in Skype.

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