Basic tasks using a screen reader with Skype for Mac

Screen reader content This article is also available for: Skype for WindowsSkype for Mobile This article is for people with visual impairments who use a screen reader program with Skype and is part of the Skype Accessibility content set. For more general help, visit Skype Support home . Use Skype with your keyboard and the built-in macOS screen reader, VoiceOver, to sign in and communicate with others. You can make calls or use instant messaging (IM) to chat. The information provided in this article is for use with the latest version of Skype. For more information, please go to How do I update Skype?


In this topic

Open Skype and sign in

Sign in to Skype for the first time

Once the latest version of Skype is installed on your Mac, follow these steps to open Skype for the first time and sign in using VoiceOver:

  1. On your Mac, press Command+Spacebar to open Spotlight search, then type Skype .

  2. Press the Up Down arrows to locate the Skype application. When you hear "Skype, Applications" is selected, press Return to open Skype.

  3. Press the Tab key until you hear the "Let's go" button is selected, then press Return .

  4. When you hear the "Sign in or create" button is selected, press Return .

  5. To sign in, type your email, phone, or Skype name. Press the Tab key until you hear "Next," and then press Return .

    • If you want to create a new account, then press the Tab key from the sign in dialog until you hear "Create a Microsoft account," and then press Return .

  6. Press the Down arrow until you hear "Enter the password." Type your account password and press Return to sign in to Skype.

  7. Skype may open a dialog asking you to select initial settings, such as your profile picture, the microphone, and the camera. To move through the dialogs, press the Tab key. To select an option, press Return . On the last dialog, press Return once you hear the "Ok" button is selected.

You're now signed in to Skype. To sign out of Skype, reference the Sign out of Skype section in this article.

Sign in to Skype once you've signed out

Once you've signed in for the first time, Skype opens without prompting you to sign in the next time unless you've specifically selected to sign out. If you have signed out and selected to remember your account settings, then Skype allows you to sign in with the previous account. On the Sign in screen, the focus will be placed on previously signed in account. To sign in again, press Return when you will hear the name of your account. To sign in to another account, press the Tab key until you hear "Use another account," and then press Return . Type your Skype name, email or phone, then press Return . Press the Down arrow until you hear "Enter the password." Type your password, then press Return to sign in.

Make and answer a call

  1. To search for a contact, press Command+Option+F until you hear "Search Skype."

  2. Type the person's name, email, or phone number. The search is performed while you type.

  3. To move to the list of results, press Control+Option+Right arrow repeatedly until you hear the first result.

    • If you hear there are "More" results, press Return and then browse the list by pressing the VoiceOver modifier keys ( Control+Option ) along with the Right or Left arrow keys. The screen reader announces the contacts as you move.

  4. Once you have selected your contact, press Return to open the contact.

    Note:  If you hear "End of Skype directory," and your contact's name or email is not in the results, then keep pressing the Control+Option+Right arrow until you hear "Invite Friends." Press Return to send an invitation. If no results are found for a phone number, then you will hear "Invite to Skype" as the first option in the search results. Press the Tab key to select this button and then press Return to send an invitation.

  5. With the contact open, press Command+Shift+R to start an audio call. If you receive a call, you can also press Command+Shift+R to answer the call.

    • To start a video call or toggle video on or off, press Command+Shift+K . To confirm, VoiceOver will announce "Video on" or "Video off."

  6. To hang up the call, press Command+Shift+H .

Chat via IM

  1. To search for a contact, press Command+Option+F until you hear "Search Skype."

  2. Type the person's name, email, or phone number. The search is performed while you type.

  3. To move to the list of results, press Control+Option+Right arrow repeatedly until you hear the first result.

    • If you hear there are "More" results, press Return and then browse the list by pressing the VoiceOver modifier keys ( Control+Option ) along with the Right or Left arrow keys. The screen reader announces the contacts as you move.

  4. Once you have selected your contact, press Return to open the contact.

    Note:  If you hear "End of Skype directory," and your contact's name or email is not in the results, then keep pressing the Control+Option+Right arrow until you hear "Invite Friends." Press Return to send an invitation. If no results are found for a phone number, then you will hear "Invite to Skype" as the first option in the search results. Press the Tab key to select this button and then press Return to send an invitation.

  5. With the contact open, the focus moves to the "Type a message" field. Type the message and press Return to send it.

  6. The screen reader reads aloud any messages you receive. The focus remains in the text input field, so you can type and send more messages.

Sign out of Skype

  1. In the Skype main window, press Command+Shift+C , and then press Shift+Tab until you hear "More options." Press Return .

  2. A menu will be announced. Press the Down arrow key until you hear "Sign out," and then press Return.

  3. You will hear "Remember account and application settings on this device? Dialog." Skype can remember your account and application settings for the next time you sign in. Press the Tab key until you hear "Yes button" or "No button." Press Return to select the option you want.

Technical support for customers with disabilities

Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in English, Spanish, French, and American Sign Language. Please go to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk site to find out the contact details for your region.

If you are a government, commercial, or enterprise user, please contact the enterprise Disability Answer Desk .

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