Applies To„Excel“, skirta „Microsoft 365“, skirtam „Mac“ „Excel 2024“, skirta „Mac“ „Excel 2021“ skirta „Mac“ „Office“ verslui Microsoft Office

If you want to print a sheet that will have many printed pages, you can set options to print the sheet's headings or titles on every page.

Excel automatically provides headings for columns (A, B, C) and rows (1, 2, 3). You type titles in your sheet that describe the content in rows and columns. In the following illustration, for example, Projected is a row title and 2nd QTR is a column title.

Sheet with headings and labels

Callout 1 Row headings

Column headings

Callout 3  Column titles

Callout 4  Row titles

Print row and column headings

  1. Select the sheet.

  2. On the Page Layout tab, under Headings, select the Print check box.

    On the Page Layout tab, under Headings, select Print

  3. On the File menu, select Print.

    You can see how your sheet will print in the preview pane.

Print row or column titles on every page

  1. Select the sheet.

  2. On the Page Layout tab, select Page Setup, then the Sheets tab.

  3. Under Print Titles, click in Rows to repeat at top or Columns to repeat at left and select the column or row that contains the titles you want to repeat.

  4. Select OK.

  5. On the File menu, select Print.

    You can see how your sheet will print in the preview pane.

See also

Print part of a sheet

Print with landscape orientation

Scale the sheet size for printing

Preview pages before you print

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