Create, save, and share custom stencils
Applies To„Visio“ 2 planas „Visio Professional 2024“ „Visio Standard 2024“ Visio Professional 2021 „Visio Standard 2021“ „Visio Professional 2019“ „Visio Standard 2019“ „Visio Professional 2016“ „Visio Standard 2016“

You can create a new stencil to hold shapes that you use often and want to find quickly. After you have created your new stencil, you can then save it to reuse later or share it with other people.

Create a new custom stencil

  1. In the Shapes window, click More Shapes, and then click New Stencil.

  2. In the Shapes window, right-click the title bar of the new stencil, and then click Save As.

  3. Type a name for your stencil, and then click Save.

    By default, custom stencils are saved in your My Shapes folder.

    To open your new custom stencil in another drawing, in the Shapes window, click More Shapes, point to My Shapes, and click the stencil name.

Add shapes to a custom stencil

If the stencil title bar has the icon A red asterisk indicates that a stencil is editable. (asterisk), you can edit the stencil by adding, deleting, and modifying shapes.

  1. Open the custom stencil that you want to add shapes to.

  2. If the stencil title bar does not show the icon A red asterisk indicates that a stencil is editable. (asterisk), right-click the stencil title bar and click Edit Stencil.

  3. Drag a shape from another stencil or from the drawing page onto the custom stencil. A new master shape will be added to the stencil.

  4. To edit the name of the master shape, right-click the shape and then click Rename Master.

  5. Type a name for the master shape and press Enter.

Save a custom stencil

  • To save changes to a stencil, right-click the stencil title bar, and then click Save.

  • To save a copy of a stencil with a new name, right-click the stencil title bar, click Save As, type a name for the new stencil, and then click Save.

    By default, custom stencils are saved in your My Shapes folder.

 Create a new stencil based on an existing one

You can’t edit any of the built-in stencils that come with Visio, but you can copy the stencils and modify your copy.

  1. Open the stencil that you want to make a copy of.

  2. Right-click the title bar of the stencil, and then click Save As.

  3. Type a name for your new custom stencil, and then click Save. The new custom stencil appears in the Shapes window.

  4. Make any changes that you want to the stencil.

  5. To save your changes, right-click the stencil title bar, and then click Save.

Share a custom stencil

Custom stencils are saved as files with the extension .vssx in your My Shapes folder. People you give a stencil file to can open the stencil in their own Visio diagrams, as long as they have a compatible version of Visio for the stencil format. It’s a good idea for them to save the file in their own My Shapes folder. That way they can open the new stencil easily in the Shapes window by clicking More Shapes, pointing to My Shapes, and clicking the stencil name.

See Also

Video: Create, save, and share custom stencils

Find more shapes and stencils

Import downloaded stencils

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