Schedule a parent-educator or staff conference using Microsoft 365
Applies ToMicrosoft Teams Microsoft Teams oktatáshoz

Educators can plan, schedule, and hold online conferences with student parents/guardians or staff using Microsoft Teams. Using quizzes though Microsoft Forms, educators can conduct private meetings with parents or guardians. Use Microsoft bookings in staff meetings to help manage larger conferences that may include larger groups.  

Important: Microsoft 365 must be deployed by your school.

Schedule parent-educator conferences with Microsoft Forms and Teams 

Educators can use a combination of Microsoft Forms and Teams to schedule conferences.  


  • Educators can hold online meetings with parents or guardians who do not have Microsoft 365 accounts.

  • Microsoft offers the Translator app to help connect educators with parents/guardians.

  1. The educator will begin by creating a Microsoft Forms survey for parents/guardians to indicate their availability for conference times.

  2. The educator will then send the survey to the parents/guardians with a link to respond to the survey.

  3. The parents/guardians will receive a link via email to respond to the survey with a conference time that works for them

  4. The educator will then create a meeting in Microsoft Teams: 

    • Educators use their own Teams calendar to create an online meeting invitation to a parent or guardian's email address.

    • Meeting invitations can be shared with co-parents and other guardians involved in the student’s education.

  5. When it is time for the meeting, the educator and parents/guardians will join the meeting using Microsoft Teams.


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