Use a screen reader to work with views in Project
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This article is for people who use a screen reader program such as Windows Narrator, JAWS, or NVDA with Windows tools or features and Microsoft 365 products. This article is part of the Accessibility help & learning content set where you can find more accessibility information on our apps. For general help, visit Microsoft Support.


Use Project with your keyboard and a screen reader to choose the right view of your schedule. We have tested it with Narrator and JAWS, but it might work with other screen readers as long as they follow common accessibility standards and techniques.

Using the right view for the right purpose makes it easier to keep your project on track. To identify which view best suits your needs, first decide what information you want to check (task, resource, or assignment data), and then decide what format you want to use.


Move between views

To move from a view to another, select and open a view by using the following keyboard shortcuts:

To do this


Select and open the Gantt Chart view.

Alt+W, G, G

Select and open the Task Usage view.

Alt+W, K, K

Select and open the Team Planner view.

Alt+W, P, P

Select and open the Resource Sheet view.

Alt+W, S, S

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Timeline view

In the Timeline view, you get a snapshot of key tasks and milestones to present, for example, in a status report or meeting. You can just drop the content of a Timeline view into a PowerPoint slide, print, or email it.

The Timeline view can be accessed either as part of the other views or in a separate window. If the Timeline is a part of the other views, it's by default shown at the top of the view.

Use the following keyboard shortcuts to move in this view:

To do this


Toggle the Timeline on and off.

Alt+W, T, L

Cycle between the main view and the Timeline.

F6 or Shift+F6

Open the Timeline view in a separate window.

Alt+W, O, T, L

Cycle through the element types in the Timeline – task bar, milestone, callout, and timeline bar with the first one of that type being selected.

Tab key or Down arrow key

Cycle through the element types in the opposite order.

Shift+Tab or Up arrow key

Go to the previous or next item of that type, for example, go to the next milestone.

Left or Right arrow key

Open the Task Information dialog box.


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Gantt Chart view

Use the Gantt Chart view to get an overview of where your project is going and how it's progressing. In this view, you can also get an idea of how tasks relate to each other.

If the Timeline is on, it's presented at the top of the window. Below the Timeline, the main content area is divided into two panes. On the left, there's the input spreadsheet where you can define the task mode, name, duration, start and end dates, and its predecessors. To the right, there's the bar chart showing the spreadsheet's information in progress blocks and dependencies lines.

Use the following keyboard shortcuts to move in this view:

To do this


Move between columns and rows in the spreadsheet.

Tab key, Shift+Tab, or the arrow keys

Open the Task Information dialog box.


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Task Usage view

In the Task Usage view, you can enter, edit, and review assignments by task.

If the Timeline is on, it's presented at the top of the window. Below the Timeline, the main content area is divided into two panes. In the spreadsheet pane on the left, each task is listed with the assigned resources indented beneath it. In the timesheet pane on the right, information such as work or costs for the task and the assignment is listed according to the timescale, for example, by day or by week.

Use the following keyboard shortcuts to move in this view:

To do this


Move between columns and rows in the spreadsheet.

Tab key, Shift+Tab, or the arrow keys

Open the Task Information dialog box.


Move to the timesheet pane.


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Team Planner view

Use the Team Planner view to check tasks from the perspective of who is working on them, and to get an overview of your schedule.

If the Timeline is on, it's presented at the top of the window. Below the Timeline, the main content area is divided into three panes. The spreadsheet on the left lists the resource names and any unscheduled tasks. On the right, there's the calendar pane. At the bottom of the window, there's a pane listing unassigned tasks.

Use the following keyboard shortcuts to move in this view:

To do this


Move between columns and rows in the spreadsheet.

Tab key, Shift+Tab, or the arrow keys

Expand or collapse a resource row or a Grouping row.

Alt+Shift+Plus sign (+) or Minus sign (-)

Scroll the timescale.

Alt+Left or Right arrow key

Open the Task Information dialog box.

Enter (when on a task)

Move tasks.

Ctrl+arrow keys

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Resource Sheet view

Use the Resource Sheet view if you want to enter, edit, or review resource data for your project in a spreadsheet.

If the Timeline is on, it's presented at the top of the window. Below the Timeline, the spreadsheet listing, for example, resources, costs, and standard rates takes up most of the content main area.

Use the following keyboard shortcuts to move in this view:

To do this


Move between columns and rows in the spreadsheet.

Tab key, Shift+Tab, or the arrow keys

Open the Resource Information dialog box.


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See also

Use a screen reader to create a new project in Project

Use a screen reader to review or edit an existing project in Project

Keyboard shortcuts for Project

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Technical support for customers with disabilities

Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in English, Spanish, French, and American Sign Language. Please go to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk site to find out the contact details for your region.

If you are a government, commercial, or enterprise user, please contact the enterprise Disability Answer Desk.

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