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Animation is a great way to emphasize a point, control information flow, and increase viewer interest.

Add an animation effect

  1. Tap the slide you want to animate.

  2. Tap the Edit icon The Edit in PowerPoint on an Android phone, tap Home, and then tap Animations.

  3. Tap the object you want to animate, such as a block of text or a shape.

  4. Choose the type of animation; for example, tap Entrance Effects.

  5. Choose the effect that you want to add; for example, tap Fly In. A numbered animation marker A numbered animation marker. appears to indicate the effect's presence.

    (You can add multiple animations to an item, such as an entrance animation and an exit animation.)

  6. (Optional) Tap Effect Options Property to customize the animation effect. Depending on the type of animation you are using, you can choose the direction and sequence of the animation.

The mobile app can't insert all the animation effects that the desktop app includes, but it can play any animation effect added by any PowerPoint app.

Remove an animation effect

  1. Go to the slide that contains the animation effect that you want to remove.

  2. Tap the numeric animation marker.

  3. Tap Delete.

See animations in a presentation

  1. Tap the slide show icon The Play Slide Show button in PowerPoint for Android. on the upper toolbar to start your presentation.

    If you don't see the toolbar at the top of the window, tap the down arrow on the floating toolbar to hide that toolbar and show the upper toolbar.

  2. To navigate through the presentation:

    • Flick left to go to the next slide (or slide animation). Flick right to go to the previous one.

    • To stop the slide show, tap the End Show icon End presentation.

Sound effects and motion paths aren't available

You can't add sound effects or motion paths to animations in PowerPoint on mobile devices at this time.

Animations versus transitions

In PowerPoint, animations are not the same as transitions. An animation affects a single slide. A transition animates the way one slide changes to the next. For information about adding and removing transitions, go to Add transition effects to your PowerPoint presentation with your mobile device.

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