Applies ToWindows 10 Windows 11

To use a camera with apps in Windows, permissions need to be turned on in the privacy settings for Camera. To turn on permissions for apps to use a camera:

  1. Select Start and then select Settings > Privacy & security > Camera . Or Select the following Privacy & Security > Camera shortcut:Open Privacy & security > Camera

  2. In the Privacy & Security > Camera window:

    1. Make sure Camera access is switched On. This setting lets individual users on the device choose if they want apps to be able to access the camera.

      Note: If the Camera access setting can't be changed, an administrator on the device needs to change the setting.

    2. Make sure Let apps access your camera is switched On. This setting allows apps from the Microsoft Store to access the camera. It doesn't set which specific apps can access the camera.

    3. Once apps are given access to the camera, access can be granted for each individual app. Scroll through the list of apps to find the desired app, and then switch On camera access for the app. To turn off access to an individual app, switch the app to Off.

    4. If an app isn't in the list, it might not be a Microsoft Store app. Instead, it might be a desktop app. To enable the camera for all desktop apps, after the list of Microsoft Store apps, switch On the setting Let desktop apps access your camera. Some of the desktop apps that have access to the camera are listed under this setting. Desktop apps are usually apps that weren't installed through the Microsoft Store. They might include apps installed from the internet, a USB drive, or apps installed by an IT administrator. Internet browsers, like Microsoft Edge, and video conferencing apps, like Microsoft Teams, are desktop apps that need this setting turned on.

      Important: Camera privacy settings for desktop apps can't be changed at an individual desktop app level.

Exceptions to camera privacy settings

If Windows Hello is used to sign into a Windows device, the Windows device signs you in even if the Camera access setting is turned off. If Windows Hello is turned off, the Windows device doesn't access the camera.

Some apps take photos or videos with the Camera app. The app doesn't appear in the list. The camera access settings for the Camera app determines if the app has access to the camera. The Camera app doesn't capture and send any images to the app that opened it unless you explicitly select the capture button in the Camera app.

Desktop apps might not appear in the list of apps available on the Camera settings page. They might still be able to access the camera or microphone even when these settings are turned off. For more information, see Windows desktop apps and privacy.

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