How do I filter my contacts in Skype?
  1. In Skype, select Contacts .

  2. In the Contacts tab, select the Filter button:

    • Android and iPhone filter button on Android (6.0+) and Android tablet

    • Android and iPhone filter button on iPhone and iPad

    • down chevron button on Windows , Mac , Linux, Web and Skype for Windows 10 and 11 (version 15)

  3. You can filter your contacts by:

    • All - Displays all Skype and synced address book contacts.

    • My Contacts - Displays contacts you've chatted with or saved to Skype manually.

    • Only show active contacts - Displays any contacts that are currently active in Skype.

Note : The option to filter contacts is not available in Skype on Android 4.0.4 - 5.1.

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