Upload files or photos to OneDrive for Windows mobile devices
Applies ToOneDrive for Business Office for business Microsoft Office OneDrive (home or personal)

Upload and work with files in OneDrive on your Windows device just as you do on your computer. Upload and save any file type, including documents, photos, videos, and music files. 

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This applies to Windows 10 for XBox One, HoloLens, Surface Hub, or tablets.

Upload files from your device to OneDrive

Use the same process to upload and save any file type in the OneDrive app, including documents, photos, videos, and music files.

  1. In the OneDrive app, in the folder where you want the files or photos added, select Upload.

  2. Select Files if you are uploading individual files, or Folder if you're uploading a folder and all of its contents.

  3. Browse to the files or folder you want to upload.


    • On a Windows 10 PC, the Open dialog box shows files on your PC. Browse to the files you want to upload and select, Open.

      You can also upload photos and videos from your phone to the OneDrive folder on your computer with File Explorer, or Photos app import. Connect your phone to the computer with your phone's data cable, or using wi-fi or Bluetooth connection.

Create a folder

You can add folders in the Files view, or inside any other folder in OneDrive.

  1. In the OneDrive app, in the Files Files icon for OneDrive app for Windows 10 view, select Folder .

  2. Enter a name for the new folder, then select Create .

Move files to a different OneDrive folder

  1. In the OneDrive app, select the check box of the file or files that you want to move.

  2. At the top, select Move to, then in the Move items to pane, select the destination folder for the file or files you're moving.

    Tip: To create a new folder for the files you're moving, select New folder, then enter the folder name.

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