For the best results during a Skype for Business video call, set up and test your camera before you use it. You need a camera to make a video call or share your video in a meeting, but you don’t need one to receive a video call or see other people’s videos.

Set up Skype for Business video
In the Skype for Business main window, click the arrow next to the Options button
and select Tools > Video Device Settings. You’ll see what your camera sees in the window. -
If you have more than one camera and want to switch, select it from the drop-down list.
For advanced settings like color balance, contrast, brightness, and black-and-white mode, click the Camera Settings button.
Click OK when you’re done.
Troubleshooting Skype for Business video
For more detailed information, see Troubleshoot audio and video in Skype for Business.
If Skype for Business doesn’t detect a camera, you don’t see yourself, or if you see the message "We didn't detect a camera," then:
Make sure the camera is connected and follow the instructions that came with the device to install it.
Check to see if another program on your computer is using the camera. If so, close that program and try again.
If you have a built-in camera, but Skype for Business doesn’t detect it, check to make sure it’s not disabled on your computer. Contact your technical support for help, or go to Windows Device Manager to check the status of the camera. Here's how:
From the Start screen, type Device Manager. Select it from the Search programs and files list.
Under Imaging Devices, right click Integrated Camera and click Enable.
How do I know if I’m sharing video?
When you make a video call, Skype for Business automatically displays your video in the window. But when you join a Skype for Business meeting, you don’t automatically share video. You’ll need to point to the camera icon and click Start My Video.
Check the icons at the bottom of the window to see the status of your video:
When you're... |
The icon looks like this: |
Not displaying video, the camera icon is grayed out. |
Displaying your video, the camera icon lights up. |