We're sorry you're having trouble importing your contacts into Outlook.com. We'll help you fix the issue.
If you followed the instructions on how to import contacts to an Outlook.com account and had errors, please select one of the options:
Nothing is imported from a .csv contacts file
Use Excel to open your .csv contacts export file.
If data is corrupt or missing you can edit the .csv file manually.
If you don't see any data at all, run the export process again.
I get an error message that the format of the .csv file isn't correct
Try downloading this sample .csv file and copy the info from your .csv file into the appropriate columns in the sample .csv file.
There are a few things to remember when working with this sample .csv file:
Outlook requires the column headings in the first row, so don’t replace them with something else.
Make sure to save the file in .csv format. If you save the file in another format, you'll have to start over.
Try importing your .csv file with a few contacts to make sure you like the results. Afterwards, you can delete the imported contacts, add more to your .csv file, and import it again.
Nothing is imported from an Outlook for Windows .pst contacts file
See fix problems importing an Outlook .pst file for a list of common issues and solutions.
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