Applies ToMicrosoft Journal

The Side Panel can be used to navigate the contents of a journal. You can collapse or show the Side Panel using the arrow  A right facing chevron icon used in Journal button at top near the side of the panel.

Pages tab in the Side Panel

Within a journal you can use the Side Panel to navigate your notes using the Pages tab Icon used on Pages tab in Journal. From the Pages tab, you can add a new page by tapping the Add Page button  Icon used on button in Journal that opens an insert menu at the end of the thumbnails.

Screen capture of Journal with the side panel set to the Pages tab

Cards tab in the Side Panel

Cards allow you to view recognized ink and other content in snippets, like Headlines, Stars, Drawings, or @Mentions.

The Cards tab  Icon used on Cards tab in Journal makes it easier to see the ink you wrote and can be used to quickly navigate your journal.

Screen capture of Journal with the side panel set to the Cards tab

Selecting Pages or Cards

You can tap the Select Mode   Icon used on button in Journal that turns on multiselect mode  button to multi-select items in the Side Panel. Once you are in Select Mode you can choose to Email, Print, Promote (Cards tab only), or Delete (Pages tab only) items.


If you are signed in with a Microsoft 365 work or school account, or a personal Microsoft account, you can email a copy of selected pages or cards. Anyone @mentioned in the pages selected for sharing will appear in the email To: list. If no one is @mentioned, then you will be the recipient in the To: list.


When the side panel is set to the Cards tab  Icon used on Cards tab in Journal you can promote selected cards to a new page using Select Mode   Icon used on button in Journal that turns on multiselect mode . This is faster than manually copying items one at a time and is a great way to pull important thoughts or tasks forward in your journal.

One easy way to have important content appear in a card is to draw a star next to it. You can learn more in the Stars article


In  the Pages tab  Icon used on Pages tab in Journal you can use Select Mode  Icon used on button in Journal that turns on multiselect mode  to easily delete multiple pages at once. Pick the pages you want to remove and tap Delete.

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