February 25, 2025—KB5052077 (OS Build 19045.5555) Preview
Applies To
Windows 10, version 22H2, all editionsRelease Date:
OS Build 19045.5555
Support for Windows 10 will end in October 2025
After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or security fixes for Windows 10. Your PC will still work, but we recommend moving to Windows 11.
For information about Windows update terminology, see the article about the types of Windows updates and the monthly quality update types. For an overview of Windows 10, version 22H2, see its update history page.
Note Follow @WindowsUpdate to find out when new content is published to the Windows release health dashboard.
This non-security update includes quality improvements. Below is a summary of the key issues that this update addresses when you install this update. If there are new features, it lists them as well. The bold text within the brackets indicates the item or area of the change we are documenting.
[Daylight saving time (DST)] This update supports DST changes in Paraguay.
Fixed: It fails to say the Chinese IME candidate window quick action buttons right.
Fixed: It does not say the control type for the Chinese IME suggestion opt-in item.
Fixed: It does not say the heading of the Chinese IME suggestion opt-in panel.
Important: Use EKB KB5015684 to update to Windows 10, version 22H2.
[Input Method Editor (IME)]
Fixed: The Chinese IME stops responding when you change the font family or font size.
Fixed: The color contrast ratio of the Chinese IME search suggestion panel is less than you expect.
[Desktop Window Manager (dwm.exe}] Fixed: Dwm.exe stops responding many times.
[Country and Operator Settings Asset] This update brings COSA profiles up to date for certain mobile operators.
[Open Secure Shell (OpenSSH) (known issue)] Fixed: The service fails to start, which stops SSH connections. There is no detailed logging, and you must run the sshd.exe process manually.
If you installed earlier updates, only the new updates contained in this package will be downloaded and installed on your device.
Windows 10 servicing stack update (KB5052916) - 19045.5547
Microsoft now combines the latest servicing stack update (SSU) for your operating system with the latest cumulative update (LCU). SSUs improve the reliability of the update process to mitigate potential issues while installing updates.
This update makes quality improvements to the servicing stack, which is the component that installs Windows updates. To learn more about SSUs, see Servicing stack updates and Servicing Stack Updates (SSU): Frequently Asked Questions.
Known issues in this update
Devices that have certain Citrix components installed might be unable to complete installation of the January 2025 Windows security update. This issue was observed on devices with Citrix Session Recording Agent (SRA) version 2411. The 2411 version of this application was released in December 2024. Affected devices might initially download and apply the January 2025 Windows security update correctly, such as via the Windows Update page in Settings. However, when restarting the device to complete the update installation, an error message with text similar to “Something didn’t go as planned. No need to worry – undoing changes” appears. The device will then revert to the Windows updates previously present on the device. This issue likely affects a limited number of organizations as version 2411 of the SRA application is a new version. Home users are not expected to be affected by this issue.
Citrix has documented this issue, including a workaround, which can be performed prior to installing the January 2025 Windows security update. For details, see Citrix’s documentation.
Microsoft is working with Citrix to address this issue and will update this documentation once a resolution is available.
The Windows Event Viewer might display an error related to SgrmBroker.exe, on devices that have installed Windows updates released January 14, 2025 or later. This error can be found under Windows Logs > System as Event 7023, with text similar to ‘The System Guard Runtime Monitor Broker service terminated with the following error: %%3489660935’.
This error is only observable if the Windows Event Viewer is monitored closely. It is otherwise silent and does not appear as a dialog box or notification.
SgrmBroker.exe refers to the System Guard Runtime Monitor Broker Service. This service was originally created for Microsoft Defender, but it has not been a part of its operation for a very long time. Although Windows updates released January 14, 2025 conflict with the initialization of this service, no impact to performance or functionality should be observed. There is no change to the security level of a device resulting from this issue. This service has already been disabled in other supported versions of Windows, and SgrmBroker.exe presently serves no purpose.
Note: There is no need to manually start this service or configure it in any way (doing so might trigger errors unnecessarily). Future Windows updates will adjust the components used by this service and SgrmBroker.exe. For this reason, please do not attempt to manually uninstall or remove this service or its components.
No specific action is required, however, the service can be safely disabled in order to prevent the error from appearing in Event Viewer. To do so, you can follow these steps:
Open a Command Prompt window. This can be accomplished by opening the Start menu and typing 'cmd'. The results will include “Command Prompt” as a System application. Select the arrow to the right of “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator”.
Once the window is open, carefully enter the following text: sc.exe config sgrmagent start=disabled
A message may appear afterwards. Next, enter the following text: reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SgrmBroker /v Start /d 4 /t REG_DWORD
Close the Command Prompt window.
This will prevent the related error from appearing in the Event Viewer on subsequent device start up. Note that some of these steps might be restricted by group policy set by your organization.
We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.
How to get this update
Before you install this update
Based on your installation scenario, choose one of the following:
For offline OS image servicing:
If your image does not have the July 25, 2023 (KB5028244) or later LCU, you must install the special standalone October 13, 2023 SSU (KB5031539) before installing this update.
For Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) deployment or when installing the standalone package from Microsoft Update Catalog:
If your devices do not have the May 11, 2021 (KB5003173) or later LCU, you must install the special standalone August 10, 2021 SSU (KB5005260) before installing this update.
Install this update
To install this update, use one of the following Windows and Microsoft release channels.
Available |
Next Step |
Yes |
Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. In the Optional updates available area, you will find the link to download and install the update. |
Available |
Next Step |
No |
None. These changes will be included in the next security update to Windows Update for Business. |
Available |
Next Step |
Yes |
To get the standalone package for this update, go to the Microsoft Update Catalog website. |
Available |
Next Step |
No |
You can import this update into Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) manually. See the Microsoft Update Catalog for instructions. |
If you want to remove the LCU
To remove the LCU after installing the combined SSU and LCU package, use the DISM/Remove-Package command line option with the LCU package name as the argument. You can find the package name by using this command: DISM /online /get-packages.
Running Windows Update Standalone Installer (wusa.exe) with the /uninstall switch on the combined package will not work because the combined package contains the SSU. You cannot remove the SSU from the system after installation.
File information
For a list of the files that are provided in this update, download the file information for cumulative update 5052077.
For a list of the files that are provided in the servicing stack update, download the file information for the SSU (KB5052916) - version 19045.5547.