Basic tasks using a screen reader with Skype for mobile

Screen reader content This article is also available for: Skype for Windows

Skype for Mac This article is for people with visual impairments who use a screen reader program with Skype and is part of the Skype Accessibility content set. For more general help, visit Skype Support home .

Use Skype with a screen reader (VoiceOver on iOS devices, TalkBack on Android devices) to sign in and communicate with others. You can make calls, use instant messaging (IM) to chat, and more. The information provided in this article is for use with the latest version of Skype. For more information, please go to How do I update Skype?


  • This article assumes that you are on an Android phone or iPhone. Some navigation and gestures might be different on an Android tablet or iPad.

  • This article assumes you are using TalkBack (for Android) or VoiceOver (for iOS).

  • To learn more about accessibility features, go to What accessibility features are available for Skype?

In this topic

Open Skype and sign in

Sign in to Skype for the first time

Once you've downloaded Skype from the App Store or Google Play Store, you will need to sign in or create an account. If you previously signed in to Skype, but chose not to have your device remember your settings when you signed out, you'll need to follow these steps.

  1. To open the Skype app, on the home screen, swipe right until you hear "Skype," and double-tap the screen.

    Tip: If you have more than one home screen, you can quickly move between home screens by swiping left or right with three fingers.

  2. When Skype opens for the first time, swipe right until you hear "Let's go." Double-tap the screen.

    • When Skype opens after you've signed out a few times, you will no longer hear "Let's go." Instead, swipe right until you hear "Sign in or create," then double-tap the screen.

  3. Swipe right until you hear "Enter your email, phone, or Skype", then double-tap the screen and type your Skype name, email, or phone number. Swipe right until you hear "Next," and then double-tap the screen.

    • If you want to create a new account, then swipe right until you hear "Create a Microsoft account", and then press Enter.

  4. The focus moves to the Password field. Type your password using the on-screen keyboard. When done, swipe right until you hear "Sign in," then double-tap the screen.

  5. You hear "Choose your theme." Swipe right to listen to the theme settings dialog, then swipe right again to select a theme. Double-tap the screen when you hear the theme you want. Swipe right until you hear "Continue." Double-tap the screen.

  6. You hear "Find contacts easily." Swipe right to listen to the Contacts dialog, then swipe left until you hear "Skip" if you do not want to add contacts, or swipe right until you hear "Continue" if you want to add contacts. Double-tap the screen.

  7. Skype may open a dialog asking you to select initial settings, such as permission to show notifications, permission to use the microphone, or permission to use the camera. To move in the dialog, swipe right or left. To select a button, double-tap the screen.

You're now signed in to Skype. To sign out of Skype, reference the Sign out of Skype section in this article.

Sign in to Skype once you've signed out

Once you've signed in for the first time, Skype opens without prompting you to sign in the next time unless you've specifically selected to sign out. If you have signed out and selected to remember your account settings, Skype allows you to sign in with the previous account. On the Sign in screen, swipe right until you hear the name of your account, then double-tap the screen. To sign in to another account, swipe right until you hear "Use another account," then double-tap the screen. Type your Skype name, email or phone, Swipe right until you hear "Next," and then double-tap the screen. The focus moves to the Password field. Type your password using the on-screen keyboard. When done, swipe right "Sign in," then double-tap the screen. Skype may open a dialog asking you to select initial settings, such as permission to show notifications. To move in the dialog, swipe right or left. To select a button, double-tap the screen.

Find a contact

  1. In the main view of Skype, swipe left or right until you hear "Search for people, groups, and messages," and then double-tap the screen.

  2. The on-screen keyboard appears on the bottom half of the screen. Use the keyboard to type the contact's name, email address, or phone number. The screen reader announces the number of search results found as you type.

  3. To go to the results while typing, swipe left until you hear the name and status of the correct person.

  4. To open the person's contact card, double-tap the screen. You can use the contact card to, for example, find out the person's availability, or start a video call, an audio call, or a chat. To browse the contact card, swipe right or left.

Make and answer a call

When you receive a call, you hear the phone ringing. Swipe right until you hear "Accept," and then double-tap the screen to answer the call.

To make a call:

  1. In Skype, open the contact card of the person you want to call. For instructions, refer to section Find a contact , above.

  2. Swipe right until you hear "Video call" or "Audio call," and then double-tap the screen to start the video or audio call.

    To end the call, swipe right until you hear "End call," and then double-tap the screen.

Chat via IM

  1. In Skype, open the contact card of the person you want to chat with. For instructions, refer to section Find a contact above.

  2. Swipe right until you hear "Type a message," and then double-tap the screen. The on-screen keyboard appears and you can type the message.

  3. When done, swipe left until you hear "Send message," and then double-tap the screen to send. The screen reader reads aloud any messages you receive. The focus returns to the message insertion field and you can continue typing another message.

    To return to the previous view after chatting, swipe left until you hear "Back," and then double-tap the screen.

Sign out of Skype

  1. In Skype main view, swipe left until you hear "My info," and then double-tap the screen.

  2. Swipe right repeatedly until you hear "Sign-out," then double-tap the screen. You will hear "Remember account and application settings on this device?" To choose whether you would like Skype to remember your account and application settings when you sign out, swipe right until you hear "Yes button" or "No button," then double-tap the screen to make your selection.

Technical support for customers with disabilities

Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in English, Spanish, French, and American Sign Language. Please go to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk site to find out the contact details for your region.

If you are a government, commercial, or enterprise user, please contact the enterprise Disability Answer Desk .

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