Applies ToOffice app for iOS


Scan Text

  1. From the Home screen, tap ( + ), and then tap Documents.

  2. Under Word, tap Scan text.

  3. Do either of the following:

    • On the Documents tab, tap Scan text, and then take a picture of something that contains legible text (such as a newsletter or a printed document).

    • From your photo album, select up to 30 pictures that contain legible text.

  4. Tap Done.

    The converted text opens in Word.

Note: The Word document is saved automatically. Tap the triple dot button in the upper right corner, and then click Save. Next, enter a file name, and then select either OneDrive or On My iPhone to save to your preferred location.

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Scan Table

  1. From the Home screen, tap ( + ), and then tap Documents.

  2. Under Excel, tap Scan table.

  3. Do either of the following:

    • With the camera, take a picture of something that contains information organized in a table (for example, an expense report or a timetable).

    • From your photo album, select a picture that contains information organized in a table.

  4. If necessary, crop the picture so that only the table with information is shown in it, and then tap Done.

  5. Tap Open and check for any errors that may have occurred during the conversion.

    Conversion errors will be marked with the message “Items need your review.”

  6. Tap Review to review the errors, or tap Open anyway to continue without reviewing.

    The converted table opens in Excel.

Note: The Excel spreadsheet is saved automatically. Tap the triple dot button in the upper right corner, and then click Save. Next, enter a file name, and then select either OneDrive or On My iPhone to save to your preferred location.

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Choose Pictures

  1. From the Home screen, tap ( + ), and then tap Documents.

  2. Under PowerPoint, tap Choose pictures.

  3. From your photo album, select one or more pictures.

    Each of your selected pictures are placed on separate slides that open in PowerPoint.

Note: The PowerPoint presentation is saved automatically. Tap the triple dot button in the upper right corner to share it, or to save it to your OneDrive account or to your iPhone.

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