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You can apply motion path animation effects to move slide objects in a sequence that tells an effective story.

For example, the plane on the right (below) shows the starting point of the plane, and the dotted line between the two planes shows the path it will take when the animation plays. The transparent image on the left is where the plane will end up when the motion path animation is done.

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Microsoft 365 subscribers have a time-saving option for motion-based animation effects: Morph

Add a motion path to an object

"Curvy Left" motion path

  1. Select the object you want to animate.

  2. On the Animations tab, select Add Animation.

    The Add Animation button on the Animations tab.

  3. Scroll down to Motion Paths, and pick one.

    The Motion Paths section of the Add Animation menu.

    Tip:   If you choose the Custom Path option, you will draw the path that you want the object to take.

    Draw a custom path

    To stop drawing a custom path, press Esc.

Advanced motion path options

  1. If you don't see a motion path that you want, at the bottom of the gallery, select More Motion Paths....

    Where to find more motion paths than just the ones on the Add Animation menu.

    Select an animation to see a preview of how the object will move on your slide.

    The menu that appears when you select More Motion Paths....

  2. Once you pick the motion path you want, select OK.

    To remove and animation, on the slide, select the motion path (dotted line with arrow), and then press Delete.

    Click the motion path and press DELETE

Editing motion paths

  1. To do things like change the direction of the motion path, edit the individual points of the motion path, or to lock (make it so others can't change the animation) or unlock the animation, select Effect Options.

    How to add Effects Options to a motion path animation.

  2. To preview the motion path, select the object on the slide, and then select Animations > Preview.  

    Tip:  Preview is located on the Animations tab, just below the File tab on the far left.

    Where to find the Animations Preview button.​​​​​​​

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