Applies ToOneNote for Microsoft 365 OneNote 2024 OneNote 2021 OneNote for Windows 10 OneNote 2016

If you are seeing the 0xE4010641 error code, OneNote can't sync one or more notebooks because you're disconnected from the network or the network location where your notebooks are stored isn't available.

Your notebook is most likely stored on OneDrive, SharePoint or a local network location. When OneNote can't access these locations, it could be because of any of the following reasons:

  • You may be experiencing intermittent, temporary network or server connectivity issues. Wait a few minutes and try syncing your notebooks manually. You can do this by pressing SHIFT+F9 or clicking the Sync Now button in the Notebook Sync Status dialog box.

  • The server where your notebooks are stored has gone offline temporarily. If you’re syncing to a SharePoint site or a local network share in your organization, someone may have turned the machine off or taken it down for maintenance. Check to see if you can access the root address of the server to verify the outage or talk to your SharePoint or IT administrator to confirm or report the issue.

  • Your notebook no longer exists at the network location. This could happen if you (or someone else with permissions to your notebook) deleted the notebook file from the server. If your notebook is stored on OneDrive, go to the OneDrive home page, log in (if prompted), and then check to see if your notebook still exists. If you’re unsure about where your notebook is stored, go to File > Info in OneNote to find the address of your notebook.

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