Applies ToCalendar for Windows 10 Mail for Windows 10 Outlook Calendar for Windows 10 Outlook Mail for Windows 10

Mail and Calendar for Windows 10 are apps from Microsoft that allow you to stay up to date on your email across multiple accounts and to optimally manage your schedule. Designed for both work and home, Windows Mail lets you access all your different email accounts (including, Gmail, Yahoo!, and others) in a single, centralized interface. With it, there's no need to go to different websites or apps for your email.


  • While Mail and Calendar for Windows 10 support Outlook, Exchange, and Microsoft 365 accounts, they are separate applications from Outlook and

  • If you're looking for help with Microsoft Outlook applications or your Outlook account, go to the Outlook help center.

Check out answers to the most common questions about the Mail and Calendar apps for Windows 10. Or provide feedback about the apps, submit feature suggestions, and share your comments. To search for additional help topics, use the Search help box at the upper-right corner of your screen.

This topic was updated on December 20, 2020, based on user feedback.

  • What do I need to get started with Mail and Calendar? All you need is an email address and a password. We’ll show you how to set up email in the Mail app, send your first email, and create your first event.

  • How do I change or update my password? If you change your password on an email account (for example, Gmail or iCloud) that you access through the Mail and Calendar apps, you’ll need to update the password stored in Mail and Calendar. For more help with this, see Change or update your email password.

  • Where are my email messages or events? If you don’t see older emails, you might need to change your sync duration. If your older events or events far in the future aren't visible, don't worry. The events are still there, but they're outside the range that Calendar for Windows 10 displays.

  • Why is my account out-of-date? If you receive a message that your account settings are out-of-date, there are several steps you can take to fix the account.

  • How can I delete or remove an account? You can delete or remove an account from either the Mail or Calendar app. You can't delete the default account, but you can turn off email for that account.

  • Can I get notifications in the Mail app? Yes, you can turn on notifications for accounts and pinned folders.

  • Can I change the color of the Mail and Calendar windows? Yes. You can change the window color, switch from light to dark theme, or add a background photo to the app. You can't add a background photo to an individual email message. For more information, see Change the background color of your calendar.

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To give feedback about the Mail and Calendar apps or to submit a feature idea for future consideration, choose provide feedback. We release new features and product updates regularly, and we welcome your comments.

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If you want to message or speak with someone directly about your issue, you can contact Microsoft support.

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