Applies ToAccess for Microsoft 365 Access 2024 Access 2021 Access 2019 Access 2016

Returns a Double specifying the natural logarithm of a number.


Log( number )

The required numberargument is a Double or any valid numeric expression greater than zero.


The natural logarithm is the logarithm to the base e. The constante is approximately 2.718282.

You can calculate base-n logarithms for any number x by dividing the natural logarithm of x by the natural logarithm of n as follows:

Logn(x) = Log(x) / Log(n)

The following example illustrates a custom Function that calculates base-10 logarithms:

Note: Examples that follow demonstrate the use of this function in a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) module. For more information about working with VBA, select Developer Reference in the drop-down list next to Search and enter one or more terms in the search box.

Static Function Log10(X)    Log10 = Log(X) / Log(10#)End Function

Query example



SELECT Log(90) AS Logarithm FROM ProductSales GROUP BY Log(90);

Returns the "Log" of the number argument and displays in the column Logarithm.

VBA example

This example uses the Log function to return the natural logarithm of a number.

Dim MyAngle, MyLog' Define angle in radians.MyAngle = 1.3' Calculate inverse hyperbolic sine.MyLog = Log(MyAngle + Sqr(MyAngle * MyAngle + 1))

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