Applies ToAccess for Microsoft 365 Access 2024 Access 2021 Access 2019 Access 2016

The GUIDFromString function converts a string to a GUID, which is an array of type Byte.


GUIDFromString ( stringexpression )

The required stringexpression argument is a string expression which evaluates to a GUID in string form.


The Microsoft Access database engine stores GUIDs as arrays of type Byte. However, Access can't return Byte data from a control on a form or report. In order to return the value of a GUID from a control, you must convert it to a string. To convert a GUID to a string, use the StringFromGUID function. To convert a string to a GUID, use the GUIDFromString function.

Query example



SELECT userID,GUIDfromString(userGUID) as GUIDCode FROM GUID_Table;

Displays the "userID", Converts the StringExpression(userGUID) into GUID (array of bytes) and displays in the column GUIDCode. This example only works for a string expression that can evaluate to a GUID.

VBA example

Note: Examples that follow demonstrate the use of this function in a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) module. For more information about working with VBA, select Developer Reference in the drop-down list next to Search and enter one or more terms in the search box.

The following example uses the GUIDFromString function to convert a string to a GUID. The string is a GUID stored in string form in a replicated Employees table. The field, s_GUID, is a hidden field added to every replicated table in a replicated database.

Sub CheckGUIDType()
    Dim dbsConn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rstEmployees As ADODB.Recordset
    ' Make a connection to the current database.
    Set dbsConn = Application.CurrentProject.Connection
    Set rstEmployees = New ADODB.Recordset
    rstEmployees.Open "Employees", _
        dbsConn, , , adCmdTable
    ' Print the GUID to the immediate window.
    Debug.Print rst!s_GUID
    Debug.Print TypeName(rst!s_GUID)
    Debug.Print TypeName(GuidFromString(rst!s_GUID))
    Set rstEmployees = Nothing
    Set dbsConn = Nothing
End Sub

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